My Favorite VS Code Extensions

Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code (VS Code) has quickly become my favorite IDE and hackable text editor since I first tried it in 2016. The immense flexibility with different languages and file formats makes it the ultimate swiss army knife for any software developer. Add in support for in-line and step-by-step debugging and you have my vote for my favorite IDE. However, stock VS Code is rather useless, and Microsoft has done this on purpose to mold your text editor in your style using extensions. Therefore, here are my top favorite VS Code Extensions I have installed on every computer I own and develop.

Note: This list is subject to change as I modify my preferences with VS Code. It serves as a list of extensions to install on a new computer for me. Honorable mentions are cool extensions I have found that I don’t usually use or have installed, but I thought may be useful for readers who come across this post.


CMake Tools

Code Spell Checker



LaTeX Workshop

Prettier – Code Formatter




Todo Tree


alternative: docs-yaml by Microsoft

PlatformIO IDE

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