If I were to attribute my success as an engineer to one experience, it would have to be with my FIRST FRC team (Team 2761). Over the 4 years I was with this team, I designed and built 5 different robots and won several awards! The learning experience, however, was by far the most valuable. Three men – Mr. Mendez, Mr. Lim, and my father – sat down with me as a freshman in high school and taught me everything there is to know about mechanical engineering and CAD. From gearbox physics to the transfer of electrical to mechanical energy, these lessons and experiences are some of my most treasured memories. Sadly the team has since disbanded, so here are the robots we built over the course of my 4 years as a student!

2016 StrongHold
This robot was designed for the 2016 FRC StrongHold competition. It was my best design and was fairly successful during the competition. At the end of the season, our team won the coveted Chairman’s Award at the Orange County Regional!
2015 Recycle Rush
This robot won our only regional in our history, taking 1st place at the Ventura Regional! It spans 6ft tall and was powered by a differential drive system. It competed as a part of the 2015 FIRST FRC Recycle Rush competition

2014 Aerial Assist
This was our most competitive robot, receiving 4th at the Sacramento Regional. It had a differential drive system with a cam actuated radial release mechanism to throw a large yoga ball over 20 feet! It competed as a part of the 2014 FIRC Aerial Assist competition
2013 Ultimate Ascent
As my first real robot I’ve ever designed, this one holds a special place in my heart. It has a frame made out of 8020 Aluminum extrusion with 4 omni-directional wheel modules, giving this robot the capability of moving in any direction on a 2d plane! Although this robot didn’t win any awards, it is my favorite over the years. It competed as a part of the 2013 FRC Ultimate Ascent challenge

2761 T-Shirt Cannon
This robot was designed to spread the excitement of robotics throughout the central valley. It reuses the 2014 drive system, with 2 scuba tanks for holding pressurization.